Sunday, April 3, 2011

Is this game a type of recruiting technique?

This is a type of game that could be a recruiting type game to have people join the military. This game came out around the time the U.S. military happened to invade Afghanistan. This could be a way because kids who play are at the age of 18 and that is the age of the graduation of highschool. People have a big descision to make after they get out of high school so why not join the military and better yet the NAVY SEALs who are the biggest and baddest special ops group there is.

Language and geographics

Language in the game is from all over the world. There are language such as english, spanish, Russian, German, Czech, and Arabian. It covered many different terrorist groups from all over and it made it very interesting in the change in culture and environments from every different mission you do. You go from middleast to Russia, Austria, and then to Czech Republic. The setting and environment are that in which you would see in the world as if you went there today. They are very good in replicating those features to reality.

Weapon Power

The most powerful weapon in the game is the two sniper rifles which are .50 cal. They are the m82 and the m87 sniper rifles. The Seals had the m82 and the terrorist the m87. The terrorists also had the desert eagle pistol as a secondary with is a one shot kill weapon for the most part if your hit them in the chest or stomach area and of course the head. The other weapons that were powerful is the m14 which both sides have along with the m16. The submachine guns were very good at close range and the most reliable assualt weapons were the M1A4 for the SEALS and the AK-47 or AK-74 for the terrorist. The weekest weapons would be the Hk5k for the SEALS and the 552 sd for the terrorist group.

Is Socom worth your money?

If you are in to your military action games then you will love this game. It was $39.99 when it first released. You can do so much with this game and the graphics are very good for a playstation 2 game. If you do not like the game which very few dont but you can return it full price with reciet. You can also buy the stratedgy book to help you beat the campaign mode and to have better online survival skills.


Cammo is a big compenent in the staying hidden factor of the game but you have to use stealth in order to really stay hidden from the enemy. Socom is in 3rd person view so you can see the enemy around corners and from a further distance so you can take your time and be stealthy. To do this it is good to stay low and use objects and bushes for cover.


Camouflage is a key componant in whcih you are to stay hidden from your apponent. In socom 2 campaign mode on the actual gameplay you cannot pick you cammo because the computer does it for you which is fine. Online you can pick your character and the outfit in which he wheres . You have four choices and you guillie suit or whatever you want. The cammoflauge is blended in with a map. The Navy Seals always have better cammo than the terrorist unlike compared to SOCOM 3, the terrorist have almost equal cammo but the seals are still winning in that catagorie.

Socom characters

The names for socom started to be very popular. You have Spectre and Jester who are the main two guys who always lead together. You are controling Spectre but you get familiar with Jester quick ass he is always watching behind. Then you have your other two parnters who are Able and Wardog. They also watch your back. Every now and then you will pair up with the Russians and use some of there men in a few missions. Spectre is whatever you want him to be because you play him. Spectre is more of a silenced and demolition expert. Able is the sniper in the group with stealth and precision. Wardog is the heavy machine gunner and heavy grenader. Of course that is the default perception of these charcacters but you can also change there equipment to whatever you want as the gamer.

The rating M for Mature

Why is socom rated M for mature? That question is symple. The content of the game is based on some reality of what military special forces operate and some of the weapons and action equipment in which they used replicated in the game. Actual U.S. Navy Seals helped in the development of this game. This is why the game is so accurate with the equipment. Also some of the mission briefing informatoin could be true in some extent but we would never know that of course because that is top secret information.

Pop Culture in SOCOM contimued...

SOCOM 2 had a hit commercial that many people liked. The video is placed below. The kids in the video where potrayed as kids at the age of 18. This game is rated mature so the youngest age to legally buy and supposevley play the game is 18.

Socom 2 in pop-cultures

SOCOM was a hit when it came out and when you speak of Pop-culture, socom was placed everywhere after it came out in November. You can buy socom actoin figures for kids, shirts for adults or kids, and of course the video games for playsation 2. You can not exlude books from this category and anything that relates to SOCOM and military based games and movies.

Death in Video Games

Death in video games is different depending on the video game. In this game, Socom has realistic deaths. If you get shot anywhere you see blood splat coming from your target so that you know you hit the person. If you get shot is the stomach the person goes down onto his knees showing that he got shot in his stomach as he grabs his stomach as well. If you get shot in the head he just drops instantly to the ground depending on which angle you shot your enemy at. This is a more realsitic game so this is a very popular because people like that sort or feel of reality in there game.

Playstation 2 Console History and about the system.

The Playstation 2 is the 6th generation video game console by SONY. The development of this system was releases in March of 1999. This system was released in 2000 in Japan. This system was sold around 300 dollars. This came with the same controlers from  the original playstaion console and also with same with the 8kg memory card. The shape is different and the color is now black and not white. The gameplay is now more online based than ever before with big games such as Final Fantasy and the most famous of all the SOCOM U.S. NAVY SEALS game series. Graphics have imporved tremendousely.