Monday, March 21, 2011

Dead to Rights 2

This is the intro trailer to Dead to Rights 2 and shows a little of what the game is about. There is a lot of action and adventure especiallay since you are with your K-9 parntner Shadow the dog. The point of the game is to find a judge that has been kidinapped by city thugs. You ae Jack Slate, a badass city cop who will break the rules to find out who took the judge, who is also his friend.


The buttons to this game are very simple but the angle of the game can really mess you up some times. The weapons are good and you run out of ammo quick.You can also hit a button to slow down time like in The Matrix. It is a good way to get high accuracy and to stay alive a little longer and figure out how to get out of a tough situation. Also the use of your dog shadow is good to get enemys at far away places.

This 3rd person shooter has a very action aracde type feel to it and is a good game to play that really sucks you into it. It is straight action and run and gun with a story that will leave you pondering on what will happen next and see if Jack Slate can really safe his friends and get his life back together.


Dead to Rights 2 was released in 2004.

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